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Labyrinth. Guide to Internet Safety


With today’s children getting technology and access to the internet at a younger age, they are enabled to view vast amount of information which may be inappropriate or harmful to them. Despite being a digital age, children are often unaware of the dangers on the internet and what is considered safe. Due to this I wanted to engage children and adults in a campaign that would educate on how to stay safe online.


My goal for the logo was to create a simplistic and easily recognisable design that represented the campaign entirely. The logo uses the WiFi symbol and links the edges to create a maze, the typography used also draws back to the labyrinth idea, with blocked edges. The logo symbolises that the internet is confusing and difficult to navigate like a maze or labyrinth. The light blue colouring is used to link it to the many social networks, emphasising the dangers found on the internet.


For Adults, a complex maze with the internet dangers hidden within was created to encourage them to help children find and avoid the dangers of the internet. Children would be unable to find the words as easily as an adult and so it emphasises the metaphor that adults can see the dangers yet children can not. 

The poster also has a version uses the internet dangers as words, formed through the paths of the labyrinth. These posters would be able to be placed in schools, in places such as waiting rooms or the staff room allowing them to be seen by parents and teachers.


For children, a card game was created making the dangers of the internet into the monsters of the labyrinth and giving them multiple solution cards to be defeat them with, showing that there are many ways to escape all the dangers. This card game makes it fun to learn and simplifies all the information so it is more memorable, since children have already learnt it. 

The game would be played in school, with students getting packs of cards that could be brought into lessons on internet safety or even be used during breaks for kids to play. The game helps kids more easily remember all the complex information they are already taught about internet safety.


The iFly represents social media. He sees everything and is always buzzing around. The Multibeast represents Predators. He has multiple heads as it pretends to be different people. The emojis represent the different emotions and faces it changes into, to attract people to it. The Digitaur represents cyberbullies, he is big and scary and bullish, much like the bullies online. The Data Gobbler represents online viruses. He is a worm like parasite and eats the data on computers corrupting them.

The design on the box was kept simple, but with the labyrinth theme to link to the overall campaign. The logo of the campaign is on the side. The bright colours are used to attract children’s attention to the box and the simple design to appeal to the adults which would initially be handling the boxes.


Stickers would be given out to children when they ‘mastered’ each of the monsters. Similar to house points used in schools, the stickers are earned for learning the solutions to the monsters. They act as an incentive for them to keep learning about the dangers. 

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Labyrinth. Guide to Internet Safety

Labyrinth. Guide to Internet Safety

The challenge of this project was to make information about online safety, fun and easy to understand and remember for children aged 6-13. The “ Read More
