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Chengdu Gourmet Carnival, Sichuan Province, China

Chengdu Gourmet Carnival, Sichuan Province, China
May 2011
Chengdu Dining Carnival is a unique development in the countryside of Sichuan. In addition to the typical geography of rolling hills, the site benefits from proximity to the Jin jiang river and from the red cliff face that bounds the development along the road frontage. The landscape design extends from an examination of both the landscape scale through to the detailed design of streets and courtyards. Bold design types are considered at the large scale, “announcing” the development to the approaching visitor; at the detailed scale, exquisite detailing of paving, facades and street furniture underline the high quality aspirations of the development, aimed at the discerning visitor.
Paving Detail of Above Rendering
Paving Detail of Above Rendering
Paving Detail of Above Rendering
Illustrations by Mr. Zhang (local Artist)
Design of the Cliff Face
The design of the cliff face bounding the site of the Chengdu Gourmet Carnival was inspired largely by the work of a local artist: Mr. Zhang, whose concept for the Gourmet Carnival was a body of work; an amusing pairing of historical characters dancing the Tango.

Using this as a base and observing that the man and woman are typically offset from each other, the structural position of the Tango-The idea is to carve a relief into the cliff face of a traditional Chengdu gate, and, as in the tango, take the same proportions of the gate and offset a new structure hinging from the park above so that the new is “growing” from the old as well as the traditional and modern are involved in the dance together.

The structure then becomes an extension of the park above, revolving around the cliff edge and transforming a horizontal experience into a vertical one.
Chengdu Gourmet Carnival, Sichuan Province, China

Chengdu Gourmet Carnival, Sichuan Province, China

Landscape design for a food gourmet street in the Sichuan Province, Chengdu, China
