Keith Newman's profile

ClubFest App (Executive Summary)

For both students and student-run organizations, ClubFest is one of the most important events of the year. It determines what students will join, and eventually run, most of the student groups at Cornell. However, having been to ClubFest once as an inquiring student and two more times as a leader in a student group, I can attest to the fact that it is often overwhelmingly crowded and poorly organized.

As a result, I set out to solve the two main problems that I observed with ClubFest:

1. Students feel overwhelmed and have trouble finding the right organizations
2. Student groups don't reach as many people as they would like
The Process
I began by brainstorming the possible technological platforms to use, issues that occur at ClubFest and possible features to implement as a result of those issues:
From there, I quickly decided on iPhone/Android as a platform because (i) more and more students own a smart phone every year and (ii) itFrom there, I quickly decided on iPhone/Android as a platform because (i) more and more students own a smart phone every year and (ii) it is a platform that allows for information access on the go, which means the interface can be used while a student is at ClubFest. A Website felt too limited in its mobility and  an SMS service was restricted in what features and UI elements it could handle (which would make it difficult to solve many of the issues I found with ClubFest).

I was able to break the features down into 3 main areas:

1. A user can search for a student group based on various criteria (type in a name, category of group, alphabetical, or view a random group).
2. A user can view a small-scale GPS map of clubfest (inspired by this technology)
3. A user can Save a list of their favorite organizations, effectively creating a pile of "virtual quarter cards"

Each group will have its own page, which contains a description, important information, contact information or embedded videos/pictures/audio in any combination.
I went through many design ideas of the Home screen:
But eventually limited it to what I thought were the 3 most promising designs:
After presenting the interfaces to my User testers, they all agreed that the first interface was the best. Slight modifications were made to the navigation bar, as suggested by the users. The two main differences were:

1. Changing the word "Search" to "Browse"
2. Adding a QR picture button, for an added feature where users can take a picture of a QR Code at a booth and be instantly brought to a group's page

The final Home screen design is:
An additional feature which was implemented in the second iteration of my design is a notification system that alerts users about upcoming performances at the stage at ClubFest:
(1)Walking around ClubFest; (2) Update reminding about upcoming Yamatai performance; (3) Select "Take Me There!"; (4) The map is brought up and directions to the performance are given; (5) Watch performance, say "Wow, this is great!"; (6) Take picture of QR code for more information
ClubFest App (Executive Summary)

ClubFest App (Executive Summary)

A smart phone application designed to simplify the ClubFest experience at Cornell University.
