Eloísa Bielsa's profile

Mujer refranera / proverbs and idioms

Mujer refranera, mujer puñetera
Some of my favourite proverbs and idioms

Fish and visitors smell in three days.
A los canarios no les gusta el humo.
Canary birds don't like smoke at all.
A los niños ajenos les encanta romper tus cosas, especialmente intentar ahorcarse con tus casetes de Leño.
Other people's children are fond of destroying your things, and love specially to strangle themselves with old tapes.

Sentado en tu silón favorito, el Visitante se sopla tus JBs sin prestar atención a la destrucción que le rodea. En breve va a echar la ceniza al suelo.
Sitting in your favourite couch, The Visitor drinks the last drops of your whisky and purposefully ignores destruction around him. In a moment he'll drop his cigarette's ash on the carpet.
Mujer refranera / proverbs and idioms


Mujer refranera / proverbs and idioms

Ilustraciones sobre algunos de mis refranes y dichos favoritos (proyecto personal). Some of my favourite sayings an idioms, illustrated (presonal Read More


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