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Here Come the New Ideas for Future Content Marketers

Here Come the New Ideas for Future Content Marketers
Content marketing is the hottest topic right now in the minds of marketers. The industry is bursting with a lot of energy. If you do your research on the internet, you will realize that tech giants are recruiting screenwriters. In fact, companies can’t get enough of creative writing and design work.
Research shows that about 88 percent of B2B marketers are currently using content marketing as part of their overall strategy. Any business that neglect to do so is said to lose on this big opportunity. Content marketers seem to have found something that can stick and the reason behind it is content. At the end of the day, content is a unique way to keep the audience engaged all the time. This explains why there are so many writing services such as that help in content writing.
Content marketing is going to become more powerful. This means new ideas will come into play. In this article, we discuss some of the news ideas for content marketers and some marketing tool to back up these ideas.
Use of visual content
There is no need to explain how big using videos and visual content is in content marketing. Most of the brands in the current market are still hanging on their video strategy on the viral video. Instead, they should embrace the new idea of building a process and concentrate on delivering valuable information using video and visual content.
Use of email and marketing automation
There are so many things you need to learn about email marketing. To begin with, email is now important than ever for content marketers. Second, most entities do not know how to write a good email and they end up sending spam messages disguised as content to prospects.
Similarly, most marketers are using marketing automation in the wrong way. Content marketers should have a plan on how to move from the just email into marketing automation.
Convert pictures and videos into Instagram stories
Perhaps you have a huge following on Instagram than any other social media platform. You can use it to your advantage as a content marketer. Document your conferences, buying tips, or behind the scene pics and videos on your phone or laptop.
Then go to Instagram and write an engaging story in reference to the same pictures and videos. Just add content as you go including any thrilling event that you encounter.
Conduct Interview-based Podcasts
Podcasts have become viral for the past several years. In fact, it’s about to get even bigger. For instance, we have the dominance of famous on-demand TV networks such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and much more.
The on-demand strategy is slowly getting into radio. And it’s time to take advantage of this opportunity. Last year there were so many interview-based podcasts where different marketers interviewed successful experts and podcasters. This is a great opportunity that will hype in the future of content marketing.
Convert your podcast into a video and upload on YouTube
There are a lot of ways to repurpose your content to make it engaging. One simple way to do that is to convert your audio into a video file then publish it on YouTube.
For pictures, you can include a title graphic, a text description, or an image for your episode. You will be shocked to find a large number of people prefer to listen to an audio or watch a video on YouTube than to read plain text.
Live case studies
Maybe you’re helping a client or company solve a problem. Or trying out a new marketing strategy for your customers. Instead of waiting until the session is over so that you can document the process in a blog post, do a live case study and explain to your audience about the events of the whole process as it is happening.
You can share it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram. Within no time, people will be flocking into your account or channel to check out for any new updates.
Facebook is becoming the trendiest social network in the word with millions of businesses using this platform to boost their businesses. Most of us have built our social houses on rented Facebook. But there is an alternative way especially in content marketing on this powerful platform.
A good way is to leverage your Facebook platform as a way to drive your content for the sake of lead generation. This is the next big strategy in content marketing.
Content marketing is no doubt the best step you can take in your business. But, this process wouldn’t be complete without some excellent content marketing tools that will make the process easier. In the next section, we look at the best tools to help you in content marketing.
5 Marketing Tools to Help You in Content Marketing
Reader’s demand for excellent content from content marketers has been on the rise. While this may be true, it’s never easy to just set up a new content marketing strategy and start running. There are plans to be made, challenges to overcome, questions to be answered, and various tasks that need to be done.
But there is a better way to plan, do research, create and even distribute content on social media. Here is a list of five content marketing tools that will be helpful when you decide to launch your first campaign.
This is an effective content marketing tool that yields excellent results. BuzzSumo helps content marketers to analyze where your content can perform best depending on your topic. Also, it helps you find some key influencers to help promote your content.
Just enter your keyword into this tool and you can see what content performs best in that target keyword. This way, it is easier to determine how to create content successfully in future. With this approach, you will always have a clear idea of what is trending and what to write about it.
Hubspot has continued to grow rapidly in the past few years. The company gained fame when content marketing started. For beginners, it is important to familiarize yourself with the tool before using it.
With HubSpot, you can gain access to tools that can help you in blogging, lead management, search engine optimization, marketing automation, social media, landing pages, and much more. All these are important for content marketers.
Google Analytics
Content marketers spend a lot of time creating content, publishing the same content on social media platforms, and interacting with key influencers in that market. With all these activities in line, it’s easy to forget to track your progress. Thanks to Google Analytics, it’s easier to track your content marketing progress. ‘
With this tool, you can know the amount of traffic your content is generating, the types of content that are trending, which keywords are performing well, and where most traffic is coming from, and
All these are very important since the information you get here will help you know where to adjust your strategy in the future. Before using this tool, take the time to familiarize yourself with how it works. This tool will provide a lot of useful information, but only if you know how to look for that information and interpret the results.
Hemingway Editor
If you don’t concentrate on creating high-quality content, you will never reach your content marketing goals. But, with a tool like Hemingway Editor, it’s possible. This tool will give you a boost in the right directions.
Hemingway will help identify problems that may occur when you’re writing your blog posts. Also, it allows you to fix these issues during content creation and before you post them.
Remember, don’t wait until you complete writing a long article or blog post so that you can check it with Hemingway. After writing small passages, post them one at a time and correct the errors on each one of them. This will help you create excellent content over time.
This is a favorite tool for many content marketers. The Ahref helps you track keywords, backlinks, brand mentions, and even know what your competitors are up to.
In fact, Ahref contains other micro tools that are important for content marketers. Once you sign up for this service, you are allowed to access several tools including content explorer, site explorer, crawl report, position explorer, Ahref’s alert, and position tracker.
A unique one in this list is the Content Explorer tool. This one will help you discover different types of blog posts that you may be working on in a certain niche. For instance, if you are a fashion blogger, you can use this tool to discover the trending topics in your social media marketing strategy.
So, have you decided to include content marketing in your business? If not, there ideas and marketing tools will help you to launch a successful content marketing campaign. Although there are many more marketing tools that can help you achieve what you want in content marketing, these ones will give you a jumpstart into your marketing campaign. I hope they will trigger even more possibilities as you go through them. Try them out!
Here Come the New Ideas for Future Content Marketers

Here Come the New Ideas for Future Content Marketers
