Turn it
An offline party game for young adults

Turn it was an invention for the D&AD New Blood Awards 2017. The task was to develop in pairs an offline game for young adults.

The Challenge:
Nowadays most young people sit with their smartphones around, even at a party. How can a party game encourage them to have fun together offline? It has to be easy to play, it should entertain the players a lot and should not take too long to finish it.

The Outcome: 
We developed a designer game made out of perspex (so it looks even good when you do not play).
The rules are easy: The game consists of four plates. Each one can be easily turned. There are icons on the plates which relate to the three different card decks. When a player stands with his token on an icon, he has to draw a card from the related deck an to follow the instruction. For instance: Turn one or more plates, fulfill one-minute-challenges to earn extra fields or to use the Joke cards against the other players. The player who reaches first the middle of the game wins. Let's turn it!
Turn It board game

Turn It board game

Turn it is a board game for young adults to have a lot of fun together instead of looking into the smartphone.
