How to be Awesome at Doing Nothing
In my Publication course, students were assigned to write a 3 page paper about something they were passionate about. Once the papers were turned in, we picked names from a hat and whichever name we pulled was the text we would be given to work with for a 3 page spread. Throughout this process, we were to speak with our classmates as if they were our client. My article was titled, "How To Be Awesome At Doing Nothing". The first two spreads use the content I was given, however, I decided to include a flowchart for the last spread.

To see Jen’s portfolio, visit

 Periodic Table of Shortcus
In my computer graphics course, I wanted to create something that all designers can relate to. Shortcuts are a time saver that often go unnoticed. This is an 11in x 17in poster that can be hung up in studios for designers to reference when working on the computer. All shortcuts shown in blue are used in Photoshop, the purple ones are InDesign, the orange is Illustrator, and the gray ones are universal.

To see Jen’s portfolio, visit
Work by Jennifer Sisco

Work by Jennifer Sisco

I am currently a Senior Graphic Design student at York College of Pennsylvania. I will be graduating in December of 2012. I am looking forward to Read More


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