Kevin Bennett's profile

Current Work (2011-2012)

"Suspension Bowl #1" (33cm x 15cm x 20cm) 2012
Low-fire sculpture claybody, Artist formulated glazes, Bamboo, Activated charcoal, Glass bubble.
Raku fired to cone 06.
"Diffusion Platter" (30cm x 8cm) 2012
Stoneware, Slips, Acid Diffusion with Yellow Iron.
Oxidation fired to cone 6
"Plate #3" (18cm x 3cm) 2012
Stoneware, Slip, Acid Diffusion with Yellow Ocher and Yellow Iron.
Oxidation fired to cone 6.
 "Las Vegas Socks for Jane" (8cm x 14cm) (8cm x 13cm) 2011
Sock-cast slip tumblers, Underglazes, Clear glaze liner.
Low-fire white casting slip gas bisqued to cone 06, glaze fired to cone 04. 

"Sock Tumbler 4" (8cm x 15cm) 2011
Sock cast slip tumbler, Underglazes, Clear glaze liner.
Low-fire white casting slip gas bisqued to cone 06, glaze fired to cone 04.
"Anagama Tumbler" (10cm x 15cm) 2011
Bare high-fire flashing stoneware.
Wood-fired to cone 10 

"Blue Crater" (18cm x 12cm) 2012
Stoneware, Glazes.
Multiple firings to cone 9 in oxidation and reduction.
"Spiral Vessel" (24cm x 14cm) 2011
Stoneware, Iron washes.
Salt-fired to cone 10.
Current Work (2011-2012)

Current Work (2011-2012)

Some recent works from 2011-2012
