Luca Ulcelli's profile

Scenarios for the city on water

Städtebauliche Entwurf, Hafencity Universität Hamburg
Professor: Arch. Paolo Fusi

Project Field: Hamm-Süd, Hamburg (Germany)
Year: 2010/2011
The project field is located at the border between the urban fabric and the countryside, in an area characterized by a complex network of canals.
The main projectual topic is the integration among the new urban fabric in addition with the existing one: the buildings typology is coherent with the one in the surroundings and the new urban design follows the pre-existing one. In particular the addition wants to strengthen the road axis and the elderly blocks grid.
Black and white plan
The design of the new urban addition is based on a network of public spaces the most important of which is a central corner square on an intersection between two canals that allows to reach the water level by some stairs. This square is candidate to become a new centrality for the district with new neighborhood shops on the ground floor of the buildings.

The roads grid and the walkable and bicycle paths (including an huge promenade along a canal) are structured in a radial way from the central square in order to enforced the role of it as attractor point.
The project wants to clearly mark out the border between urban area and countryside. The
project itself is composed by two main parts that works in a different ways with complementary
roles. The north-west compound, in addition to the present urbanization, is completely urbanized with buildings and urban open areas.
On the contrary, the south-east area is not built at all with accessible green parks .
The prevalent functions are residential, commerce and offices. In particular, the residence is located close to the natural areas and the urban centrality. On the other side, offices are mostly located along the main road axis in order to protect the residential compounds as a barrier for the air and noise pollution.
Scenarios for the city on water

Scenarios for the city on water

The main projectual topic is the integration among the new urban fabric in addition with the existing one: the buildings typology is coherent wit Read More
