Emil Hollerbach's profile

"thé" package design

THÉ - package design 
The exercise for which I created this design was to build a three-version package for an imaginary tea company, along with a logo. My goal was to combine traditional east-asian/japanease package design elements with my own style and cultural background. The basis of the structure was avaliable for me, since I had a similar object, but I tried to elevate it to get maximal utilisation of the printed material. The object you see below is but a mock-up, there are still issues that would have to be fixed to get a fully functioning, green, easy-to-use and cost-efficet package.
The inner side's illustrations show common hungarian insects. In the coulouring I leaned on the principles of thin-layer cromatography, and used inks with different partition coefficients to create the layered effect. The font I used is OCR-A. 
Thank you for viewing!
"thé" package design

"thé" package design

Package design, which features illustrative elements and an unusual shape inspired by origami.
