Tochi Galdiano's profile

Personal Editorial Project | Senior Thesis

Personal Editorial Project

This particular project is a passion one. Well, it is also an academic project, since it was part of my senior thesis (meaning it is the culmination of years of discovery and exploration, tears, frustration, and eureka moments). 

This work was oriented to my professors, classmates, and whoever comes across it. With this particular project, the task at hand was to present all the information I had collected in an organized, sensible way, and to present my work in a tidier way than the coffee-tainted pages of my sketchbook.

The most convenient approach to presenting that information is to do so in a chronological order, a step-by-step recipe to make a picture book, with some cushion in-between to add comments. 


Since the protagonist here is the content itself --the analysis, the opinions, the research, the conclusions, the images--, I didn't want any of the aesthetic aspects to interfere with that. The bulk of the book is structured under a simple, one-column grid and it only uses three font families (Caslon, Playfair Display, and Quicksand). 

The book is mostly black and white, allowing for the images to stand out. This provokes that the text follows the images, not the other way around. Let the images, graphics and such speak for themselves. 
Any process is an organized series of steps to get somewhere. It has layers, and it is imperative that one doesn't take any shortcuts to get where they want to go. Metaphorically, this can be illustrated through a rainbow (or any color gradient, really). To get to the next step in the scale, one must go through the previous one: if we want to go from yellow to blue, we must go through green first. This is way each chapter of this book, each step of the process of design is represented by a color, gradually changing as one advances through it. 

This project was done as part of my senior thesis for my Graphic Design undergraduate degree, for the Universidad Provincial de Córdoba (Córdoba, Argentina). It is unpublished, but a copy was given to the University's library for students to peruse. 



Personal Editorial Project | Senior Thesis

Personal Editorial Project | Senior Thesis

A book about the process of design.
