Lucca Donatelli's profile

2009: Wolfenstein - Zeppelin

Gameplay Video
This video shows off the gameplay and level design of the Zeppelin mission in Wolfenstein. I worked as part of the level design team that designed and created this level.
Supply Zeppelin Docking
The Zeppelin mission begins with the supply zeppelin docking with the uber zeppelin, with the player smuggled on board.

Zeppelin Comparison
This vista shows the immensity of the uber zeppelin compared to the size of the supply zeppelin that the player begins on.
Zeppelin Stairwell
The lighting in the zeppelin consists of a contrast of cool blue light and warmer yellow and red lights. There are also many projected lights that feign the apperance shadows cast by catwalks without using actual high-budget shadowcasting lights.
Zeppelin Elevator
The player descends from the supply dock to a lower deck on the zeppelin by utilizing shafts within the zeppelin itself.
Zeppelin Undercarriage
The player must traverse the entire length of the uber zeppelin in order to foil the nazi plot, often times bringing the player outside onto the undercarriage of the zeppelin.
Zeppelin Flak Combat
During some of the exterior segments, players can use mounted flakvierling cannons to shoot down nazi jetpack troopers.
Zeppelin Cover
There are strong metal flak shields along the undercarriage of the zeppelin, which also serve as cover for enemy troops.
Zeppelin Mess
The uber zeppelin is equipped with a mess hall area for the troops stationed on board. The furniture in the room of course has to be bolted to the ground in case of turbulence.
Zeppelin Barracks
The troop barracks within the uber zeppelin shows off the curvature of the zeppelin hull.
Zeppelin Textures
This connecting hallway shows off a lot of the different textures used in the zeppelin level, and how they catch light to create the illusion of depth.
Zeppelin Armory
This room sits on top of one of the gun batteries of the zeppelin. This area has a device that feeds ammunition boxes to the flakvierlings below.
Zeppelin Corridor
This corridor is representative of some of the more basic connecting areas, but still maintains a high level of detail and intricate lighting.
Zeppelin Aircraft Hangar
The uber zeppelin is equipped with an aircraft hangar that can drop experimental aircraft out of the bay in the bottom of the zeppelin.
Zeppelin Aircraft Drop
Players watch the aircraft being lowered on these mechanisms and dropped into the fierce air raid raging below.
Zeppelin Console
This console must be activated in order for the player to traverse the dangerous outer catwalk to one of the zeppelins many propellors.
Zeppelin Propellor Puzzle
The player must cross a deadly spinning propellor by using his mire power to slow time. This allows the player to cross safely to the other side of the maintenance catwalk.
Zeppelin Elevator Room
This is one of the reception rooms for the shaft elevators in the uber zeppelin. This area serves as an ambush for the player, as nazis fire upon him from the catwalk above.
Zeppelin Flak Battery
This is one of the flakvierling batteries that the player fights through on his way to the bridge of the zeppelin.
Zeppelin Undercarriage Walkway
This undercarriage walkway shows off the angularity of a lot of the design work in the zeppelin level.
Zeppelin Bridge Table
The player enters the bridge of the zeppelin by a short descent on an elevator, and can immediately use this war table for cover.
Zeppelin Bridge Controls
The bridge design scheme fuses advanced technology with a few classic retro touches: such as the steering wheel.
Zeppelin Bridge Windows
The windows on the bridge curve outward, and give a clear view of the air battle raging outside.
Zeppelin Final Catwalk
This final exterior segment connects the bridge with the superweapon room. The player must fight his way up this catwalk in order to destroy the nazi weapon of mass destruction.
Zeppelin Portal
The uber zeppelin has a secret and powerful weapon on board, utilizing a gate that connects with the "veil" realm.
Zeppelin Superweapon Tanks
This contraption above the superweapon gate mechanism serves as a capacitor for the mystical energy being build up from the "veil" dimension.
Zeppelin Superweapon Mode
The superweapon itself begins preparing by rotating the gate to the veil dimension towards the earth and building up energy for the attack.
Zeppelin Portal Final
In the superweapon's portal state, the nazis send troops through to the veil dimension in order to exploit its power. The player must follow them through the portal to stop their nefarious plans.
2009: Wolfenstein - Zeppelin

2009: Wolfenstein - Zeppelin

This is my work from the final mission of Wolfenstein (2009). This mission takes place on a giant zeppelin loaded with sci-fi elements.
