Although I ususally don’t do illustrations, I decided to do this contest. My first step was to see inspiration, from both the original Scream and from Munch’s other works, especially Vampire.
My original drawing was too detail on the screamer and she didn’t sync well with the background. This was probably because I drew them in separate Sketch files. So I kept going...
For the second, I drew them in the same file and they worked much better together. However, I still wasn’t happy with it.
When I was drawing the third, the face looked more alien that human. I decided to take that and created some classic UFOs.
I’m still not very happy with the results but I’m glad I participated. It was a fun exercise and I think it would be fun to do this with other classic works.
She Screams

She Screams

Digital painting using digitally recreated Munch brushes for the Adobe Munch contest.
