Lethe is the second EP by rock band Mountains and YouRevolving around the themes of enjoying the ordinary, goodbyes and fresh starts, and a compelling urge to retreat to a distant home, Lethe features the following three tracks:

Tonight Is Mine

The task was to design the limited edition record and the corresponding 6"x9" book, both independently published by the band. 
In Greek mythology, Lethe was the underworld river of oblivion. The souls that drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness. The theme surrounding the music is a lot "about wholeheartedly diving into the next chapter in life by leaving the past behind despite the good memories and emotions that make it difficult to move forward".
The gradient from the blacks to grays in the album artwork was used as the basis for the system applied throughout the design applications. The album title is set in Big Caslon whereas the band's name is set in Bird Grotesk.




Record and Book Design for Mountains and You's second EP, Lethe
