My piece is an abstraction ofthe five stages of Parkinson’s. The fivestages flow together as if it is a timeline. The stages of Parkinson’s include:

· Stageone: tremors in one limb, change in posture, movement, and facial expression,and only one side of the body is affected.
· Stagetwo: affects both sides of the body, posture and gait are affected.
· Stagethree: slowing of body movements, impairment of equilibrium.
· Stagefour: limited walking, rigidity and bradykinesia, and less tremors thanbefore.
· Stagefive: reduction of strength in the mind and body, and inability to stand orwalk.

My piece incorporates weepingwillow branches, x-rays and photocopies of my father’s hands. Willow branches symbolize the progression ofthe stiffness the body experiences. Threadis used to bind these objects to monoprints. The piece is lit from behind to symbolize the stark nature of thedisease. The light shines through theholes that are created by sewing as well as through the x-rays.

My father has Parkinson’s andI’ve been watching him go through these different stages. It not only has changed him physically butalso emotionally. These changes areshown as a progression using hot colors that are seen in a Parkinson’s brainscan. I use a variety of mixed mediaincluding monoprints, which show the changes occurring in the brain.


My piece is an abstraction of the five stages of Parkinson’s. The five stages flow together as if it is a timeline. The stages of Parkinson’s inc Read More
