Colorado Textile Artist

Mary Hertert has traveled many roads, both in location and in her textile focus. Her current quest lies in finding the perfect expression of dye on comfortable fabrics that can be worn with freedom.

Mary invites and welcomes the brainstorming of ideas, "Today's story is of transition, of finding space and place so the artwork and the vision of sharing can continue. It is home, but not yet home— familiar, but with that fresh "newness" that promises much to explore. It is not a story of what was but a story of unfolding possibilities in both vision and personal artwork. I invite you to join my story in whichever manner makes the most sense. I am open to discussions and the sharing of information and ideas." 
Color Creek-Fiber Art is a member of TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List.

Visit Mary's member profile on TAFA.

TAFA is an international membership organization representing studio artists and textile businesses.
Color Creek-Fiber Art

Color Creek-Fiber Art

Color Creek-Fiber Art explores the possibilities of hand dyed fabric, expression and comfort wear. Based in Colorado, the landscape has made its Read More
