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CCIC - Social Media Ads for Change

Shown are a mixture of social ads (designed for Facebook and Twitter) to gain more traction for the not-for-profit organization, the Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC). 

These ads target new members, current members, job seekers, information seekers, donors, and media outlets. They are meant to create awareness, inform, and draw attention to bigger picture issue. These social ads aim to bring more attention to the CCIC and allow them to build a larger following. 
Facebook ad aimed at bringing awareness to their annual conference. CTA would allow users to "learn more" information about the event and sign up should they want to attend the event. 
Facebook ad aimed at gaining more donations. Even though the CCIC is government funded, they still require donations to fund their efforts. A small donation can make any donor feel like they are contributing. The copy would speak to that feeling of contributing to something larger and how even just a small amount WILL make a difference. CTA to "Learn More".
Facebook ad speaks to the basic nature of the newsletter and how staying informed through the newsletter allows current and new donors find out about upcoming events and recent highlights of efforts. The CTA would be to "Sign Up."
Facebook ad aimed to draw job seekers to the job portal page of the CCIC. Use of the hashtag on Facebook is to draw attention to the CTA of finding a career where the viewer essentially wants to "do good" in the world. CTA of the ad would speak to the type of jobs available and how they should "Explore Jobs" now.  
Twitter ad. 
Twitter ad.
Twitter ad. 
Twitter ad.
CCIC - Social Media Ads for Change

CCIC - Social Media Ads for Change

Shown are social media ads created for a Canadian government funded Charitable organization, the CCIC. They are a coalition that brings together Read More
