Redesign milk package
It is annoying to take milk out of the fridge, pour it in a glass, and when you're drinking it is sour.. Milk is a fresh product and when it's openend you can use it for a few days, only if you're keeping it cool.
I designed a milk package that is bigger and stays in the fridge, with the help of a tap you can pour the milk easily. To avoid pushing the package further to the end of the fridge, there is a lip that hold the milk package on it's place. The milk sit in a large sack with the tap. The inside of the box is aluminium, to even keep the milk cool when it's outside (e.x. for a family party). When the sack milk is almost empty you can raise the back of the package, trough folding the underside of the package, so that the milk can go out again.
1IPO, O&PII, 2015
Redesign Milk Package

Redesign Milk Package

Redesign of a milk package to avoid waste.
