Mariam Aldacher's profile

Some food characters

Some of the members of the food family :) 
just a tiny project designing a few characters of Delicious food :D
sweet cupcake filled with love , sugar and lots of yummy stuff :D
Chocolate chip cupcake, cool kid with a cool icing on top  :D
Doughnuts anyone !! ...hey wait not for the birds XD 
Three flavored ice cream.... I hope they get along well  :D
Sunday :3 vanilla mixed with strawberries  :D she looks happy with her hair style XD :D 
fancy noodles on the run :D 
Lemon pie granny :D ... she doesn't see whats coming with the hungry pigeons XD  
Apple pie Granny  coming back form the market , I wonder what is she baking today :D 
Thank you for watching :3 
Some food characters

Some food characters

Pie , cupcakes, ice cream , ,and noodles character design :D
