"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is."
Albert Camus

trance, overpowering sense of joy/excitement, rapture.

"The civilisation we founded is not fond of us. It does not want us to love ourselves. It desires us to be unsatisfied with our bodies, sexuality, jobs, partners; everything we possess. It aims to stir a desire in us to change them all, to want more, the better, the newer. It wants us to consume more and conform to the norms it imposes. Furthermore its wish is to fool us with these illusions and turn us into its recruiters. We should not feel at ease, it commands; we should try to pull and change ourselves
with all the surgeries, medications, package holidays, dating shows, smartphone applications, television and software. We should aim at what is expected from us; to become the fitter, smarter and more charming
versions of ourselves. But we are expected to buy the products of the most popular label, dress in matching colors, drink the same brand of coffee, buy car, pay the mortgage loan, buy dresses more than we can wear and have children at the same time. And let’s kill our children in the name of love, overwhelm them in an overflow of rules, try to turn them
into whom we never could have become, force them to study night and day, find them an activity for everyday even during their vacations. Let’s work constantly to provide these. And let’s spy on our neighbours, while
doing the work we are assigned to. Let’s give them no peace for being gay, woman, of a different color, of having a different haircut, pose, clothes or thinking out-of-the-box. And then, let’s calm and tame ourselves, our children with drugs wrapped up in fancy packages by the civilisation. Let’s hate ourselves, our city, what surrounds us and life in general day by day, and renew our hatred every morning. And let’s hate who does not want to do so. Let women be women, and men be men. Let’s not laugh and let’s avoid talking on color, art, love and sexuality. 

The different one is the enemy."
ecstasy series V

ecstasy series V


Creative Fields