TISDC submission
This brief involved creating a series of three posters based on the word opportunity.

Opportunity is affected by decision; once a decision is made about an opportunity, this opportunity ceases to exist as it then leads to a new set of circumstances. This act of decision making changing opportunity is something I felt had potential to be exploited. If I could remove decision making from the design process, then I could perhaps create a representation of opportunity shaped through uncertainty. This uncertainty and experimentation would then inform the design aesthetic and outcome for the competition. 
Initially, I considered how to generate some sort of form for the posters. I thought that an interesting way to create some sort of body text, and typographic forms, would be to generate a conversation between to chat bots. I initially entered the question “What is opportunity?” and then let them reply to each other. As the conversation between the chat bots was ugly and nonsensical, I thought the typographic forms of the conversation should reflect this.
Shown below is the process I devised to distort the forms further via photoshop, without myself actually interacting with the form of the type. The initial form on the liquify action is just some abstract forms so I could push the pixels around the screen.