1.) Here water escapes its metal holding cell and flees to the open world and eventual mouth of its next parched organism. 
2.) I really like the shape and position of the water in the photo.
3.) I could've positioned or centered the actual water fountain head a little bit better, which is a quick and easy physical adjustment.
4.) The only problem I encountered was getting the right looking water shape/look, which I figured out by only pressing the button very quickly to get short bursts of water coming out. 
1.) The story I was looking for was one of a disgruntled student throwing their keys in frustration as a bad test score came in, or even a game of keep away with someone's keys, capturing the mid air flight they were on.
2.) I like how the keys are pointed up but also flopping around to show the almost circular motion they are being thrown into.
3.) I wish the lighting was better, I need to shoot in more well lit areas to achieve a better shot. 
4.) As previously stated I struggled with lighting, and overcame it with post shoot editing in Google Photos
1.) I was trying to create a scenario where a sports related object was going to be thrown as if in a big game situation or even backyard catch, whatever the imagination creates first. 
2.) I love how the ball is perfectly released from his hands with its trajectory in mid flight.
3.) I wish there wasn't so much wall but the aesthetic I was going for didn't include a whole figure in the shot. 
4.) The problem I encountered was getting the shot with the ball just leaving his hand so it was clear he was throwing it, and I achieved this through a high shutter speed and multiple succession shots.  
1.) I was trying to tell the story of a hooligan running about the campus jumping around each and every object in his sight, leaving little regard for safety, just pure adrenaline and thrill. 
2.) I like the subject matter and how he is obviously enthralled by this perfect jump that I captured.
3.) I wish I had gotten his whole head to truly get his expression but sadly it didn't get it.
4.) Getting him perfectly mid-jump proved somewhat difficult at first, but I took multiple pictures in a row and picked out this one. 
Float Project

Float Project



Creative Fields