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Midnight Breakfast, Late Night Neon fluorescent Sign

Its a time honored tradition at our university to serve purple pancakes at midnight during homecoming week.  In being reminisent of when I do go eat breakfast late at night, diners came to mind and the shining neon sign that hangs outside their doors. A small detail I added to this, is the brick background, the unversity uses a specific brick for each building and that small detail is a nod to that tradition as well. I also used the official univeristy colors for this project and was shared on the university official social media. 
A fuller, more detailed view of the wiring behind the sign, and the brick thats behind it. 
Midnight Breakfast, Late Night Neon fluorescent Sign

Midnight Breakfast, Late Night Neon fluorescent Sign

Social media graphic, thats reminiscent of a late night diner and the neon fluorescent sign that hangs outside. Used as inspiration for a graphic Read More
