Karolina Jankiewicz's profile

El Carette: Electromechanical Instrument

El Carette integrates mechanical and electronic elements to create an interactive musical instrument. As the crank is set into motion El Carette produces a melody fitting the rhythm played on the drum. This encourages exploration of different beat rates and its influence on the music.
The two components, the drum and the glockenspiel, were both fully constructed by the team and integrated with the RaspberryPi microcontroller and circuit.

The glockenspiel consisted of four copper pipes sounded by solenoids activated by the microcontroller. 
The copper pipes were cut and tuned to the right notes (E6, G6, B6, D7) and then suspended from 3D printed stands attached to a wooden base.
As the drum is struck the circuit between the two electrodes on the drum front is closed and a high voltage signal is detected on the microcontroller input pin.
El Carette: Electromechanical Instrument

El Carette: Electromechanical Instrument

An electromechanical instrument designed for user interaction allowing for exploration of how bate rate influences music.



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