31 days. 31 original character designs. That's how my Inktober came to be. 

The only catch was, I did my illustrations digitally, as my main goal was to challenge myself with each prompt. Here are the results...

Prompts: Swift, Divided, Poison
Prompt: Underwater
Prompt: Long, Sword Shy
Prompt: Crooked, Screech, Gigantic
Prompt: Shattered
Prompt: Teeming, Fierce, Mysterious
Prompt: Run, Cloud, Deep
Prompt: Filthy
Prompt: Furious, Juicy, Fall
Prompt: Blind, Ship, Squeak
Prompt: Trail
Prompt: Fat, Graceful, Climb
Prompt: United, Found, Mask
Thank you for watching. Hope you enjoyed these!
Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017

Inktober work. Done digitally. 31 character designs in 31 days.
