Seb Osborne's profile

21st Century Church - Image

Earlier this year, the task was undertaken of taking the 21st Century Church Logo and using it in some form or another to create a recognisable image that could be used as a theme for various different media aspect of the Church's branding. Here is what we got in the end.
In planning, the main consideration was whether or not to place imagery behind the logo, how would this detract from the logo itself and so on. After testing, I decided to keep the space behind the logo as simple as possible but allowing for the rest of the image to be different and eye catching.
This image has been used for flyers and various other marketing, the black space allowing for text to be included as and when it is needed. At present, this is on a very large signboard outside the main building with text about the organisation.
The following images are just a few from the process of getting to the image we were happy with.
In the next project, you'll see how this design eventually effected the website and so on.
21st Century Church - Image

21st Century Church - Image

Creating an image that utilises the brand logo, useable for various media formats.
