The Beginning Stages
This was a project that I completed while in school. The objective was to take some sort of packaging that existed, and not improve that packaging in general, but to get inspired to create something new and original, so here we have Bear Bones. 
The original sketches were not working. At first I thought taking it into a funny light, having the bear dressed in a poncho, having guns with hot sauce dripping out, something in that realm...That was not working for many reasons, one being if this were to go on multiple sized bottles, which it was, that would be way too detailed. From there, I began focusing just on the head of a bear...This was a better direction, however the side view was not working, it just looked awkward on a bottle, I need something more head on, something a little more flat. 
Where Bare Bones is Going 
Bare Bones continues to visually evolve and expand while still holding true to the values and love of counter-culture expressed in the original branding/packaging project. Bare Bones can form to whatever it pleases, that is what is so exciting. It can be implemented into a design company, apparel line, possibly going back into hot sauce and BBQ sauce..No matter what, it will always keep its fierceness and bold design.
Thanks for looking! 
Bare Bones

Bare Bones

This was a project that was started while I was in school, when scrolling down you will see where this started, and now where it is going. You wi Read More
