Over the years, India has been breeding dangerous levels of toxic particulate matter. According to a WHO report late last year, 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India. Being citizens of a nation that’s degrading in air consistency and purity, which directly affects our health it’s our righteous job to do something about it. I propose to make people aware of how they can contribute to solving this problem.
This project is a series of 3 animated web banners. These digital info graphic will explore the idea of how a designer can affect the way families living in Indian metros become conscious about their daily choice of commute. The banners will have illustrations along with complimentary type creating awareness upon its viewers about the advantages/need for carpooling and its environmental benefits of reducing pollution. Furthermore, dwelling into the topic of how pollution - that’s a result of congested traffic in the cities of India - affects our health and how it’s necessary for us to make conscious efforts to encounter it.

