Christina Zito's profileChristina Zito's profile


Wheel thrown plate. Covered in black slip, then sgraffito technique was used to create music sound waves. 
             Pairs of cups, all completed on the wheel. All fired at cone 6
            Cups 1 - mishima technique & white glaze
            Cups 2 - white slip, colored under glaze, brown glaze
            Cups 3 - blue glaze, brown glaze 
Dinner set for two. The overall theme is skateboard & graffiti. Dinner set consists of 2 bowls, 2 plates, 2 cups, and one serving platter. 
The bowls represent the inside of a skate bowl in a skate park. The plates represent a broken skateboard, while the platter represents a well-used skateboard.  


Ceramics projects. A variation of hand-built and wheel thrown.
