Through this work, I tried to show that everything in this life possess two sides, Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, happiness and sadness. And while going through different phases, one is being observed by THE ONE. It’s a vicious circle where everyone will be put and tested, however, the degree varies from person to person. If one did good when in bad phase of life and rewarded for that, still you’ll be observed. 
The visual elements such as grids, geometric shapes, symbols, signs, Zen tangles contains meaning. Sometimes they appear familiar, at other times alienating or fragmented, or rather reintroduced in a new context. Through this art work I tried to explore substantial themes. I wish in my next work, I can use them to pass a message which are vital for an individual in every aspect of life.
Letter H: 
Appearances are deceptive.
This letter contains two meanings: - 
Everything in this world comes with its own merits and demerits. So, one must accept the fact that he’s susceptible to taste both the flavors. One just can’t escape any of them. 
We’re living in a generation where appearances are giving priority than knowledge or any other substantial human characteristics, however, one needs to know the fact that nothing is more deceitful than appearance. In today’s world, people commonly judge the book by its cover.
What may look beautiful, good, or pleasing to eye, but, they’re merely an illusion or trap.
Letter E- Attributes of idiocy.
Here, I've tried to represent the concept of blind trust using a dagger, a flower and the mind as examples.
Almost everyone has been a victim of blind trust at least once in their 
life. The important thing to remember is to never trust people blindly since it only leads to a downfall. Whether it be a familial relation or an acquaintance, trusting someone blindly only leads to permanent scars in one's life, both physical and emotional.
Blind trust is like giving someone a dagger that is pointed towards you. I have portrayed a dagger to represent the character of blind trust. One never knows the turning motive behind human words; it may sound good, but in reality may be detrimental.
So, it's vital that one not only makes wise choices, but also acts wisely.
Letter R: The Persuasive tongues.
The World is like a battlefield, where everyone wants to be well-positioned at every phase of life.People wants to be in a position where they must command and persuade people to bring the outcomes of their desires or if they have to reluctantly participate in the war, they would like to be the strongest opponent. People usually forgets that being in the power is not for fulfilling personal needs but it’s an opportunity to balance the society in every aspects.No matter what you’re, who you’re and what you did, at the end, ultimate destination is same for us.
Below images were taken when art work was in progress


Through this work, I tried to show that everything in this life possess two sides, Good and bad, beautiful and ugly, happiness and sadness. And e Read More
