REMs Xander Haggerty's profile

Project 5: Identity Design Process

This is my process page for the Identity Design Project 5
​​​​​​​For this project I decided to go with my more well known name on Instagram, REDart. RED is an acronym for Remmy El Diablo and this started out as a nickname in my first semester of college. Now, it is my official name/company name because of how well it fits me. 
Mind Map
This is my mind map for this project. I was trying to figure out what aspects of me and my name have that are prominent. 
Mood Board
This is my mood board for this project with some inspiration for the various aspects of this project. 
These are my sketches for my thank you cards, logo, business card, letterhead and resume layout for this project. 
Above is the logo I designed for this project. My husband and I spent hours debating on the new look for my logo and we finally agreed that this was the most satisfying design. It also works in greyscale in case it isn't printed in colour. 

The letter form of the acronym of my official name/company name was made from a custom brush I made in Photoshop CC. The type below it is the acronym of my official name/company name spelled out with my actual name below it. I decided to use a brush for a rim stain because when painted with my brand colour, cardinal red, because it looks like a rim stain made of blood. Blood is very important to me and my band as I am a Juggalo artist; I love gory movies and horrorcore rap that usually talk about blood. If you didn't know most Juggalos/Juggalettes love horror and gore; we use fake blood a lot. I chose the rim stain because it references a song that is a (Juggalo) family favourite; Kill Somebody. In the song there's a line that says "I haven't slept in weeks, I'm eating blood, drinking coffee" and as an insomniac, I can relate(I don't eat blood). 
I decided to redo my logo and take out the type. In my opinion it was too distracting from my signature. 
Above is my letterhead for this project. I'm still not sure about this one; It feels like it's missing something but I'm not sure what. 
Above is my updated letterhead for this project. 
Business Card Rapid Fire Sketches
Above are my 20 rapid fire sketches done in class for my business card. I already know I'm separating the logo from the type which is why only one of the back is shown. The back is my logo centered solo. The front is my info. I thought about having the type centered with blood splatters coming in on the sides but I decided to go with a more traditional approach. 
Refined Business Card Rapid Fire Sketches
Above are three of my refined sketches from the rapid fire session we had in class. I really like the third sketch which is my second idea for the front. 
Business Card
Above is a screenshot of my business card in progress with the guidelines and paragraph/character styles shown. 
Above are the social media icons I designed for my business card. I made them with blood splatter paint brushes in photoshop and erased with my signature paint brush. The right one is for Behance, middle for Instagram, and left for Society6. 
Above is my finished business card. I decided to do one with a back to it because I didn't want to lose anymore detail to the rim stain than need be. I left the crop marks on so it's easier to see where the back ends and the front starts. My logo is what will be on the back and the information is what will be on the front. I decided to centre everything because I centred my logo on the back. I'm still not so sure of the layout I used for the information but I like how it turned out. I decided to use my brand colour for everything so it would be cohesive. 
Other Process Screenshots
Above are process screenshots of my resume and thank you card/note. I decided to use my own handwriting for the thank you card/note because, in my opinion, it makes it feel more personal. I decided to use a different phrase rather than "Thank You" because I personally say Much Love more than thank you. It is a Juggalo/Juggalette thing but it's what makes me who I am. 
Above are my process screenshots of my pocket promo. I thought that a vignette of some of my popular illustrations would work nicely for the back and for the front I decided to make it brighter to balance out how dark my brand colour is. 
Project 5: Identity Design Process

Project 5: Identity Design Process

This is my process page for my Identity Design project.
