Nina Valle's profile

Borgonyà Industrial Colony

Borgonyà is a neighborhood in the village of Sant Vicenç de Torelló, in Catalonia.

However, its history is different from any other town's. Borgonyà was a textile industrial colony of the late 18th century. The factory was closed some years ago, but its unique architecture, community and spirit are still alive.
The design represents:
- The chimney (top view). According to the inhabitants, "a very important point of reference".
- "A little world". It was an interconnected colony.
- A thread roll (the product).

Besides, the lines inside of the circle are an abstraction of the geographical map view. They replace the main road, the railway and the deviation of the Ter river -that produced hydraulic energy-.
Construction (I)
Construction (II)

The will of this brand is to reflect its elegant and majestuous personality and the cold (hard work, paternalism...) and calid (great services, united people...) faces of an industrial colony. 

In additon, it is simple and dynamic, as Borgonyà has evolved and is, nowadays, more than just a colony.  
Borgonyà Industrial Colony

Borgonyà Industrial Colony

Proposal of corporate identity for Borgonyà, a textile industrial colony.
