My subject is emphasized because the lighting of the background is dark and the colors of the subject are bright. I like how the pedals look elegant and are bright as opposed to the darker background. I dislike the one leaf in the bottom that is also emphasized because its brighter, i could've avoided that by making another edit to make that part darker so that the emphasis remains on the flowers pedals. I added graduated filters to put emphasis on the colors and darken the background. I didn't encounter any problems. 

In this photo, the 1850 on the car is emphasized. I like this photo because it shows pride on the car I dislike that the emphasis isn't direct, it kind of fades towards the rest of the sentence. I can avoid that by making the 1850 brighter than the rest of the sentence. In this photo I added a preset and a graduated filter to darken the surrounding objects. One problem i encountered was the angle. I overcame that by moving to different angles to see what looked best. 

In this photo the book, or more so, the woman on the book is emphasized. I like this photo because its emphasis is straight forward. I dislike how the photo is a little crooked and I could've fixed that by using the crop setting. To achieve this photo, all I did was simply add a preset filter and a small graduated filter on the woman. I did not encounter any problems taking this photo. 
In this photo the colored pencils are all emphasized. I like this photo because of the colors of the colored pencils. I dont dislike much about this photo but I do think that it would've been better to keep the emphasis on just one pencil. In this photo i adjusted the colors using the color settings to make the some colors stand out brighter. One problem i encountered was getting the camera to focus with the pencils close, I eventually got it though. 
In this photo, the cursive R is in complete focus. I like this photo because of the many colors it has and because its dark background, it makes the colors pop. I dislike how the emphasis isn't direct on the R, it fades to the next letter. To achieve this photo I added a reverse graduated filter to the R and made the background darker. A problem that I encountered was trying to get just one letter in focus, as it was so small. I overcame that by moving closer to the letter but still keeping my camera in an angle. 




Creative Fields