Reality Check

For this project I wanted to recognize the goods and the bads during the process of creating a portfolio. Portfolios can very scary and sour at times. It is hard to know what is your best and worst work because people viewing it can have different opinions. For this Reality Check event I wanted to utilize the saying, "when life give you lemons, make lemonade". I think that this is a good metaphor for the portfolio process. When you are given the chance to have a professional view a portfolio it is best to take it and create a great final product. The professionals can help sweeten up the portfolio process by giving advice making a better finished product.
In these sketches I worked with the concept of sweet and sour. I tried multiple different layout to see what would show my concept the clearest. 
By the end of my sketches I realized I really enjoyed the idea of repition of a smaller item to create a larger scaled object. I thought it would be smart to show the tools that go into the process of making lemonade just like the tools and resources used when creating a portfolio.
I used my previous ideas of using repition to create the word reality. I tried to use the relationship between the lemonade and the words to appear that the lemonade is dropping on the words. I chose the pink background to represent the pink stripped straws that you would drink lemonade out of.
I used the same concept but put it into a different color combination using the complementary colors to create emphasis between the background and forground.
I decided to stick with complementary color combination and attempted to add in overlapping to give the idea of the lemons and sugar going into the lemonade.
For my final product I added more overlapping between object to create a more dynamic composition. Then I added used color to emphasize important parts of the poster like the lemons and lemonade are a deeper yellow than before. I added the pink straw and used the same color for the date of the event to help make more heirarchy among the text. I photographed the lemonade from a side view instead of a top view because the top view was harder to recognize. Finally I added sugar all over the poster becuase the portfolio process is messy and hard but the final product is clean and polished.
After critique from my professor, I made slight adjustments to my poster to better display my hand crafted letters. I added drop shadows to emphasize.

Reality Check

Reality Check


Creative Fields