Alyssa Fowler's profile

Reality Check Poster

To start off this project, I sketched out 10 ideas for a poster and a banner that could go with the theme of the event. In the picture above, I chose the concept of a light shining onto a portfolio that is made out of the cord to the light. In this way, it shows that the event is shining a light on your portfolio. At first, I liked the idea of the cord being more sharp and straight lines and creating the image of a city as well as the word. However, in doing this, it was hard to make out what the word was saying and the idea of the city was also distracting from the word. 
In my first draft, I went with my idea from the sketch, and here you can see better that it just was not working. Also, my type was too big and not well laid out. I messed with it too much and it created an unappealing look to the piece. I knew that I really needed to simplify my text and scale things down. I also could see that the two dimensional aspect of the piece just wasn't working. I needed to add some reality to the poster so that it could read how it was intended. 
In this design, I changed the look of the word reality and the portfolio in general. I was trying to change everything to be curved, but it was also stuck being a little hard to read. Also, the floor was not really working in this poster. It seemed too dark or too distracting. I decided that I wanted to change that in my next revision. The AIGA logo needed to be made smaller as well. I also decided that my type was still not the correct type to use. I was also told that it is not good to use italics in the way I was using it. Besides these things, the poster still did not read as being as realistic as it needed to be. What I needed to do was to photograph a real light bulb and a real outlet and use those to fuse reality and digital together. 
Here are my final revisions. In this revision, I have added in the real light bulb and the real outlet. I also used a different wall so that the wall would not be so bumpy. I brought down the size of the AIGA logo and I chose a font that worked better for readability on a poster. I also entirely changed the word "reality" to be more of a script font, which turned the poster completely around. I also added in a drop shadow to the cord and took out the yellow line from the previous edit. The yellow line was making it read more like a neon sign than as a cord. This way, it gives the image depth, while also still looking like a cord. 
I changed the way my banner looked entirely as well. In this banner, i scratched the idea of the light bulb being on the right side, and I kept the idea of things being more realistic. I made sure that everything was readable and that the type remained the same between the poster and the banner. 
Reality Check Poster

Reality Check Poster
