Simple editing and filters

The photo above is the original product and the one below is our edited picture. This is an example of filling. This was my first picture that i used content aware filling to make it look like a plain lake with nothing in it (besides the weeds under the water). All I did was select the duck, left click, and then select fill and content aware. Afterwards i used the clone stamp to fill in the spot where the duck would be with more realistic water textures then the ones they gave me. 
This picture was when I played around with filters. When I made these filtered photos we were just experimenting for our class and these are what i came up with. For the upper left all I did was add in a sun glare filter and dimmed it down until it looks lie early morning there. The top right was selecting the whole picture and selecting the painting filter making it look like it's a painting. The bottom left I only selected the top half of the picture and choose to polarize the mountains and lower the lighting. The bottom right all I did was select the whole picture and invert it giving it these unique colors
And this last photo is a prime example of simple editing. The picture above was the original and the one below was the edited one. All I did was play around with the color levels and make the trees and grass more vibrant. Then i chose the rocks and shaded them with more of a purple green hybrid and make them more colorful.
Simple editing and filters

Simple editing and filters


Creative Fields