J.A. Mäger's profile

Tee Design for The Kris Kelly Foundation

Tees For Good Causes - The Kris Kelly Foundation
SocialPakt is a unique company that matches artists with non-profits to create limited edition art tees. 
My second project through SocialPakt was on behalf of The Kris Kelly Foundation.
Kris Kelly requested that Chihuahuas be part of the design, and I began with a very basic layout sketch...
...followed by a few studies and a final sketch which would translate directly into the final design.
The subjects were vectorized...
...and stylized using Adobe Illustrator.
The general layout was finished, and comps for both 2-color and 3-color designs were submitted, based on the shirt colors that were being considered.
Colors and layout were finalized and the shirt was made available for limited online sale by SocialPakt.
Tee Design for The Kris Kelly Foundation


Tee Design for The Kris Kelly Foundation

Designs created for SocialPakt and the non-profits that partner with them to take advantage of their unique, limited-run, fundraising shirts.
