Eating is something we all do every day in our life. From breakfast to dinner, we choose different food to eat. We make decision consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes we choose the food that are healthy, but sometimes we eat whatever we want.
So I start to think of:
What is the connection between body and food?
Why we choose some types of food instead of others?
Here is the book I read:
What are you hungry for?
By Deepak Chopra
Chopra is an India American author who studied medicine in India before he came to United States. His approach to health incorporates ideas about the mind-body relationship. Chopra claims that “if you trust your body to know what you need, it will take care of you instead of fighting back. “
We are writing our own life story through every step we walk, everything we do and even everything we eat. Our body is just a physical projection of our story-we are what we eat.
So I want to create an image that can remind people about the idea: We are what we eat, and we should take responsibility of the food choice. I draw different kind of food to constitute a body. Half of the body is healthy food(like vegetables), and the other side of the body is red meat and junk food.
Through every choice we make, we can
-> Removing toxins and returning to nature.
The plate with tomato and orange is my healthy breakfast and the hamburger and French fries are my dinner. Before I do this project, I am not aware of what kind of food I feed into my body. I start to realize that I am not my body. Actually, I am the creator of my body and I would like to choose healthier food to create a healthier cycle in my body.
Chopra mentioned,” Body is a verb (a process), not a noun (a fixed object). You continually recycle all your material body—almost all of it—once a year.”
I observe that body metabolism is like a movement. There is a movement in our body. This movement constitute our life, which is constantly renew and constantly change.
Here are three pictures I took in Hudson River. These three pictures look like the same, but actually they are three different pictures took in different time. The time makes everything shift. It is similarly to our body metabolism-river is a verb (a process), not a noun. Not only the river constantly flows in the pictures, but the cloud shifts also. So we see a lot of movement happen through “the life” aspect.

In the pictures we can see:
City -> look like fixed object (form the outside)
Cloud, Wind -> change and flow
I start to think of:
What’s in the city?
Is there also movement?
Here are three pictures I took in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Again, three different pictures seem like the same. But this time, every individual becomes energy particle/unit flow in the city.  Comparing to first day project, the body looks like a fixed object itself, but now it becomes the energy unit flowing in the museum.​​​​​​​
These are the other three pictures I took in the Metropolitan Museum.
Three different pictures seem like the same but took in different time.
In this time, you can see “the body” as flowing particle or the fixed object.
Fixed object: museum / the man
Flowing particle: people
These are three pictures I took outside the building. Comparing to second day project, the nature (wave and cloud) is shifting and flowing, but now it looks like still (tree and sky). The people are shifting and moving in the city.
Fixed object: nature
Flowing particle: people

I observe that the life movement exist from the inside out.
From metabolism to people flowing in the city.
It is life movement in the city.

In the city -> nature (ex: trees, flowers, birds)
What’s the interactivity between human and nature?
These are three pictures I took in Central Park.
Shield from the sun
Sit along the lake and rest
Jog in the park

Human and nature co-exist in the city.
How to bring out the harmonious coexistence of human and nature?
How it relates to our daily life?
Maybe we can start from the small things.

Water footprint of food
“The water footprint is a measure of humanity’s appropriation of fresh water in volumes of water consumed and/or polluted.” – from water footprint network
“The food we eat makes up more than 2/3 of our total water footprint, mostly because of all the “virtual water” needed to produce that food.” – from http://www.gracelinks.org/1361/the-water-footprint-of-food
In the first day project, we choose healthy food (fruits and vegetables) for our health. Because we are what we eat, we are the creator of our body. But now through another viewpoint, we choose more fruits and vegetables to eat because of the water.
 Food choice (back to first project)
       ->eat more vegetables and fruits
       -> better inner loop in our body
       -> save more water
       -> better cycle for environment
More efficient cycle from the inside to the outside.



Creative Fields