Lauren McGrinder's profile

Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

Glen Fresh Foods Ltd are based in Strabane, County Tyrone.

They were founded in 2000 and have grown from a small family run firm into a major regional supplier and distributor of fresh fruit and vegetables.

They supply fresh fruit, vegetables, chicken, meats, savoury and frozen foods, as well as bread desserts and dry goods.They deliver throughout all of Ulster.

Glen Fresh have invested in technology and product development throughout its growth, . This, combined with excellent customer service built upon all that is good about a family firm, means that Glen Fresh Foods Ltd lives up to its reputation - 'a fresh approach to quality and service’.
When you think of Glen fresh the first thing that comes to mind is family.
This family run business is appealing to regular families locally.
The centre of a family home is the kitchen, which is a key factor to promoting Glen fresh produces.
Every family’s needs are to be healthy and happy and with the help of Glen fresh foods, this can be achieved at affordable prices.
With deliveries throughout all of Ulster Glen fresh has the ability to spread from the kitchen to internationally.
With the right promotion this is a scalable project. Which is why a healthy eating Campaign is the best way forward for glen fresh.
Introduction to the companies characters
Communication with the user is key! Introducing your own characters for the campaign is an essential way to build customer relationships , especially for the target audience, Families.
Promoting the business and listening to your customers are equally important which is where carrie the carrot and andy the apple come in to play.
Campaign promotion poster
Online competitions
These are simple yet effective ways to interact with the user.
Meal deal promotions
Bonus Card
An infographic is available aswell as an interactive infograph (video available in the youtube link below.) Also a bonus card is available for regular customers, these are great ways to create user interaction and make the user want to buy our products.

What are the benefits of the proposal?

It promotes healthy eating in a fun and enjoyable way.
Using healthy meal deals at cheap prices encourages more awareness of glen fresh and their products.
There is a huge advantage also with restaurant food at wholesale prices available throughout the country.
In conclusion the healthy eating campaign brings nothing but positive factors for the company and your users.
It has the potential to broaden the companies customer base whilst building a solid relationship with the user.
Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

Professional practice design project, DES516
