Twisted Nerve

For this project we had to choose a sound and Twisted Nerve (known as the whistle from Kill Bill) was the elected. 
For the packaging of the sound I decided to make a publication that treated the sound apart from its context, using silhouettes of people whistling and giving it a homemade look, as a connection to the spontaneity of a natural whistle. 
For the promotional item I made some seals, that together completed the melody of the music. I chose to make it in this support due to the relation between  the natural deambulation of a whistle, with the object that makes possible for a letter to make its way to the destination and travel.  
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, 2017
Introdução ao Design 
Rui Vitorino Santos
Twisted Nerve

Twisted Nerve


Creative Fields