Askelad's profile

Evolution of Papercuts

 Papercut Portraits & Source Images 
The beginning of a long journey thru step-wise complex papercuts, bagging in more techniques and gaining up speed. 
These five works are simply a memorable transformation of the way I've learnt to make them. 
I've used only 4 assorted colors available in the beginning that blended well with each other. To smoothen most details while not compromising on the final effect they're supposed to show. To hunt & find the relevant skin-toned paper of required thickness, was the next step to making better and detailed works.
Getting precise with details wherever necessary, while ignoring parts that won't contribute towards the final view/features helps save time and to come out of the obsession for perfection in redundant details. 
Setting up time as a strict constraint, helped me learn what features are actually necessary, while figuring out which can be ignored. 
Click on the image to watch it full-screen revealing all the intricately embedded details 
~ Thank you for reading & watching, walking through this journey of mine ~
Evolution of Papercuts

Evolution of Papercuts

A stack of papercut projects, from my learning phase.
