A series of large oil paintings, funded by a grant from the Slifka Center at Yale University. I used only endangered species as subjects, all of them drowning or underwater. The drowning represents their helpless plight as endangered species, and also alludes to global warming (the melting of the ice caps and the flooding of the world). The title is a reference to the Noah's Ark/Flood/Deluge myth that is a constant in many religions and cultures. In that story, God destroyed all the earth and the animals because of mankind's wickedness. Now animals are again dying due to mankind's sins--and it is our own fault. In Noah's ark, it was emphasized that at least a pair of every animal should be saved from God's wrath--and yet humans are causing complete extinction of species.
Deluge Series

Deluge Series

A series of large oil paintings, funded by a grant from the Slifka Center at Yale University. I used only endangered species as subjects, all of Read More



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