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1980s final major project

Aim of this project was to create an exhibition display (digital and craft model), promotional items and typography representing the 1980s for the V & A museum, in London. I had to highlight different elements of the 80s being social issues, political issues, gaming and music. Their had to be a consistent colour scheme throughout the pieces to create a strong united front to attract an audience between 18 - 60.
1980s exhibition digital model

Above shows my 1980s inspired digital model display which i created in google sketch up. I separated into different sections of the display to highlight different demographics/events which were famous in the 80s. These being Pacman, the Walkman, Women rights, Gender equality, Gay rights, Chernobyl, Drug abuse - needles and the Berlin wall. I used a lot of geometric shapes and vibrant colours to reflect the 80s as well. The decoration and the patterns draws the viewer into the display. My three promotional items will be in different sections of the display to make it flow with the gloves in the checkered box, the phone cases in the Pacman face and the t-shirt being sitting on the black circle of the Chernobyl radioactive sign.
1980s exhibition craft model

Here is my craft model which reflects my digital model. With this model i sued a variety of different craft materials to bring texture and extra appeal to the model. The materials i sued were matte card, glitter, tissue paper, foam board, metallic decor card, silver envelope decor and yellow tape.

1980s - Donation stand

Here is my donation stand whihc reflects the gender equality and gay rights from the 80s in terms of shaping and colour. It shows gender equality in its reflection whilst showing gay rights in applying the opposite colour of the gender in the fill sides. This represents that males can be feminine and vice versa.
1980s - gloves

First promotional item with this project were gloves because of the reference towards iconic gloves worn from the famous artist of Madonna and Michael Jackson. The gloves represent the drug abuse - needle issue from the 80s in terms of the text drop and dripping. With the text drop it says "Just Say No" which was a campaign set by Reagan in the 80s to make awareness of the issue. I used painted lace whihc follows through with my colour scheme with the project to bring texture and appeal.
1980s - phone cases

Here shows two versions of my phone case which illustrates the minor strike from the 80s. The axe shapes represent the minors whilst the grid fill pattern represents the police. With the circles of the design if created will be pop sockets for the user to wrap their fingers around to get a secure grip whilst taking photos.
1980s - t-shirt

Here shows my t-shirt which merges the aesthetics of Pacman with social issue of gender equality. Added text "equality" in a 80s font style to verbally communicate with the user as well as connecting to the visual representation on the shirt. I applied vanishing grid lines to direct the users eye towards the text and center of the shirt.
1980s - typography title screen

Here is my typography title screen which would be placed in the Walkman white rectangle in my exhibition display to be formal. With this design i used recurring shapes seen from the 80s from artists, mags covers and games to fill and outline the text being " V & A" and "1980s". I applied the same text font from my shirt to "present the" to connect with the vanishing line grids above and below and show a different type style representing the 80s. The colours and the dynamic shapes explode on the screen with the grids forming a nice border. 
1980s final major project

1980s final major project

Aim of this project was to create an exhibition display (digital and craft model), promotional items and typography representing the 1980s for th Read More
