Information Narrative Design

This project was done for my Information Narrative class. The goal for this project was to visually show a problem through information graphics. The project began by finding a research topic, finding a target audience to distribute this information to and coming up with a way to share this problem visually. 

I decided I wanted to research the over production of 'cash crops'. Cash crops are a crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower. I decided I wanted to research this issue because it is a major problem that is not looked at enough. The future population will not have enough land space to continue producing crops at the way we are today. There is not enough room to continue abusing the land with crops being produced for money over food/ vegetables that are actually needed. This problem must be resolved before it is too late. I believe my cash crop app design can be used to help spread this awareness. 
Cash Crop App

Cash Crop App

Information Narrative Design This project was done for my Information Narrative class. The goal for this project was to visually show a problem t Read More
