Catalina Zamarripa's profile

MICA 2018 Competitive Scholarship

"Vanity" 5'x3'  charcoal on brown paper
"Baby got Bacne" acrylic paint, beads and embroidery floss on muslin

"Story time" 8"x10" watercolor and pen
"Magic Carpet Series" 5.5"x8" yarn and found materials
"Xylophilous" 8.5"x11" gouache
"Violet" 18"x24" colored pencil on colored paper
"Hands" 28''x26'' acrylic paint on canvas
"Dog at Salon" 8'x5' charcoal on brown craft paper
"Fake Band Poster" 8.5"x11" digital media
"PB & J" 3'4"x5' Screen Print on Cotton Print

MICA 2018 Competitive Scholarship

MICA 2018 Competitive Scholarship
