With a deep breath, the arm slowly moves up. Silence. What follows is a noisy exhale combined with the movement of the next pose. Seldomly have I experienced such a calm photo production. 

My personal project FOCUS arose from a variety of influences. I practice yoga for more than nine years now. For my first project about yoga in 2016/17, I worked with yoga teachers that were specialized in many different subgenres of yoga. My goal for these two projects was to motivate people to take the first step and incorporate yoga into their daily lives. What were vibrant city backgrounds in my first project has given way to darkness. 

The darkness shifts focus to the body as is breathing in yoga. 

Each picture is the result of a 30 second exposure that combines a series of movements into a single moment. 

See more of my work on my website.


FOCUS is a photo project about yoga movements in different subcultures.
