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Products That Will Enhance Your Kayaking Experience

This blog was originally published on Robert Heidersbach's website here.


There are many products you can buy to enhance your kayaking experience. As an avid kayaker myself, I always make sure I have certain things with me to not only improve the ease and fun of kayaking, but to keep me safe as well. I always take the following products with me when I go kayaking out in one of the many Florida lakes.


You definitely don’t want to have your kayak tied up on top of your car, because it can easily fall off while you’re driving. Instead, opt for a good carrier that attaches to the back of for your car or truck. This will help to easily hoist and transport the kayak to your local river or lake without worry.

Life Vest

Another important item is a comfortable life vest. If your life vest is too tight and doesn’t have good airflow, it may be uncomfortable. You want to have a life vest that will keep you above water if you tip over, but yet also feel so comfortable that you won’t realize you are wearing one.

Waterproof Your Valuables

A waterproof wallet is great to have nearby to keep your keys, phone and other valuable items you can’t leave behind safe. If you are unfamiliar with the area, a waterproof wallet you can wear around neck might be good option. This way, your phone can be easily accessible if you need to refer to a map, if you want to take pictures of things you see along the way, you want to check the weather, or there’s an emergency and you need to contact someone for help.

Choose the Right Clothing

As a kayaker, you shouldn’t be wearing something uncomfortable like jeans or boots. For females, an athletic bathing suit that lets you move around without worry is nice. For males, cargo shorts or other swim trunks with pockets can be useful. You don’t want to wear flip-flops because you could lose those if the kayak tips over. Good supportive waterproof shoes will be useful when you are carrying the kayak and also when you are in the kayak.

A Clear Kayak

If you would really like to increase your kayaking experience, think about purchasing a clear kayak that will allow you to see all of the undersea life as you’re paddling! Imagine going out onto the water and see colorful fish, algae, and coral and you’re sailing by. It will be money well spent.
Products That Will Enhance Your Kayaking Experience

Products That Will Enhance Your Kayaking Experience

Robert Heidersbach is an accomplished author. Since Robert is retired, he spends his free time kayaking in the Florida lakes.
