Irreverent Cult of Elegance
La Sape
Inspired by the Society of Atmosphere Setters and People of Elegance. nMembers put fashion above all including poverty and politics. The Sapeur is an expert at tailored dressing with carefree, tribal inspired style.  The scene is set against the landscape of a Congolese shanty town.
Also, the fearless fashion of the Ladies of Advanced Style, featured on the eponymous blog by Ari Seth Cohen.  I was inspired by the audacious style of these mature fashionistas; colors, mixed patterns and sass.   I chose antique macrame patterns, hand drawn then silk screened onto rich fabrics.

Both dress with little concern for social acceptability, focusing on personal pleasure.   Their clothing flamboyant and whimsical yet sound in composition.  They are driven by a carefree spirit, dressing each day for the theater of their life - despite age or wealth.  The Free People girl embodies the same irreverent spirit, dressing each day for the Sapeur inside.
Mood board
Color story 1: Irisa
Color story 2: Wonderful Ms. Africa
Hand drawn macrame fringe pattern with added copy.  End use:  Placed graphic printed on jersey knit
Digital depiction of  the La SAPE printed graphic. Discharge dye technique (top right) black on sand (bottom right) printed on a fringed jersey tank (left)
Cruxes: Two color repeat pattern with abstract depiction of a Cross Lorraine: the alchemist symbol for spirit. 
Cruxes: Alternative colorways and scale
Macrame: Border edge repeat pattern depicting a macrame fringe in two colorways
Macrame: Alternative colorways
Macrame: Alternative colorways: devore' on painted silk
Cover of the presentation book
Secret compartment with printed fabric samples
La SAPE pattern printed on hemp/cotton jersey using discharge technique
Final fabric sample of Macrame pattern printed using fiber etch on hand painted devore' satin
Cruxes pattern printed on hand dyed, sueded silk