Oli Sims's profile

Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics
General Motion Graphics Work
I made this to showcase some fictional UI design, presented as an animation. The UI was meant to represent that of a computer booting up, and windows and tabs being opened and used.
I used AfterEffects, Photoshop and Illustrator for this project.
This animation is an example of what could be played during a live-stream. If the live-streamer gained a new follower/subscriber, this animation, or another like it, could play.
I produced this animation for a fictional sailing company to demonstrate a combination of assets I created in Illustrator and a use of skills and techniques in After Effects. 
This was a test I did to see if I could animate the individual parts of an image smoothly and also make it look clean. I think it worked pretty well, although I skipped a couple of corners with the image editing.
Video Openings and Intros
Openings for things like YouTube channels, to be used as an introduction
This was an intro for a YouTube channel, produced as an opening for videos.
This one I created for a friend who intended to start making videos on YouTube. The style was based off of the Vaporwave art aesthetic that was popular at the time.
Motion Graphics