Aadi M's profile

Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017
Inspired by Jake Parker's innovative idea to fuel artists' creative juices, I decided to take a stab at this as well, and drew throughout October 2017, based on the themes suggested on a daily basis as per this useful list.

As I was going through a major art block, Inktober helped me a lot to just put in the much needed practice and do something I loved, each day. I wasn't able to fully complete the challenge due to work and personal reasons, but I look forward to doing so next year.

I majorly draw Anime/Manga.

Here are some of my favorite picks from the month, with a small caption as to why I chose to display them in this project.
Day 10: Gigantic - I perceived this scene from One Punch Man as a way to easily defeat your inner demons; all it takes is one strong punch, filled with willpower and determination.
Day 13: Teeming - As Jiraiya stands in front of Amegakure, the teeming rain reflects his thoughts and the grim future that is about to befall him. For some reason, each stroke of this drawing moved me.
Day 15: Mysterious - As a Pokemon fan ever since I was 11, I used to make up mysteries and theories pertaining to the topic and creep my friends out. Day 15 gave me an oppurtunity to sketch out one of the more prominent mysteries in the universe: The Clefable/Gengar Theory. You can check it out in detail here.
Day 20: Deep - Not many drawings make me look back at them and smile, be it in happiness or in sadness, but this was one such piece. After Teeming, I really began to feel a sense of sketching something really deep, and day 20 helped me achieve that. Grave of the Fireflies is a masterpiece, and I cannot help but choke up on the inside every time I watch it. Takahata is a genius, and I wanted to use this artwork as a quick opportunity to show my respect to his creations.
Thanks for taking your time in viewing this project! Please leave a comment if you liked this endeavor; I would love to know what you think of my works :)
Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017 in the style of Anime/Manga
